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Release Notes 10.20.10

Important and breaking changes

Smartsign 10.20.10 contains no breaking changes itself, but if you are upgrading from a version older than 10.8, make sure to read the release notes for all point releases in between, in particular 10.7 and 10.8. Read them carefully to determine if they affect your installation and if action needs to be taken before or after upgrading.

Features, improvements and notable bug fixes


Brand new login page
Add permission for system settings
Added "last changed" field in booking list and wizard last page

Fix: Add permissions for "self" on new resources when creating as Publisher
Fix: Centering of templates in thumbnails
Fix: Edit button not visible on tagfilter bookings
Fix: Incorrect naming when copying media without extension
Fix: Layers with RSS profile not identified correctly in playlist
Fix: Media linked to template not included in playlist
Fix: Media validity not shown correctly in playlist
Fix: Non color values in screen layout theme should not have # added to them
Fix: Preview in webpage wizard not working on URL:s created previously
Fix: Preview sometimes not working
Fix: Publisher not able to list bookings on channels in Quick Publish view
Fix: RSS widgets (wgt) should not be converted to templates (wgtx)
Fix: Time settings should follow language setting when changing
Fix: Use correct protocol for thumbnails
Fix: User who created media in temp should be allowed to edit it without explicit permission
Fix: Visible child media when copying media item with child media
Fix: YouTube identified correctly in URL wizard
Fix: YouTube live URL:s get 0 duration
Template Creator

Add "last updated" to RSS data source

Fix: Avoid "Warning: Local widgets.." showing when loading
Fix: Make RSS max age use full days and count them correctly
Fix: Only use ok responses (200-299)
Fix: Remove change of protocol for direct requests
Fix: Show template with error message if data source fails to fetch data
Fix: TC fails to update used media on save
Fix: Traffic data stops updating
Fix: Unused fonts not removed from templates


Azure Active Directory (AAD) integration
New authentication engine
Add checksum to uploaded media

Fix: Internal sync breaks on duplicate filenames
Fix: Linked media in imported templates not linked correctly
Fix: Media filename should match name in json when doing scmf export
Fix: Media stuck with status converting
Fix: Not possible to delete user with favorite bookings
Fix: Too short timeout on snapshots
Fix: Trigger folder update when media duration changes
Fix: Wgtx thumbnail creation fails


Fix: Avoid flickering when player is resumingFix: Check and load modules when player comes onlineFix: Templates (wgtx) not visible in download statusFix: Wgtx folders not cleaned up correctly

Windows Player

Allow parameters on streams in VLC

Fix: Autostart not working after rebootFix: Guardian kills player while in config modeFix: VLC stability improvements


New Microsoft 365 data source using OAuth and Graph API

Release Notes 10.8.0

Important and breaking changes

Smartsign 10.7 contained several breaking changes from previous versions. Please make sure to read the release notes for 10.7 as well, if you are upgrading from an older version. Read them carefully to determine if they affect your installation and if action needs to be taken before or after upgrading from a previous version.

License update required (on-premise)

The server's previously downloaded licenses will be invalidated when upgrading from a version lower than 10.8. A license update should be performed after the upgrade to reactivate them.
Also note that the license portal settings have now moved from the core server role to the system settings.

Uninstall any existing Snapshot Service before upgrading (on-premise)

The Smartsign Snapshot Service is now embedded in the server's installer. It will install the latest version for you instead.

Warning! If your server requires a proxy to access the Internet it must be configured manually for the installer to work. The installer will not use the system default setting.
Please contact support for instructions before attempting to install.

Smartsign Share

This is a new paid feature which enables you to share screens remotely. It's provided for free until 2020-12-31.
Users with site admin access will have permission to share screens by default. If you wish to disable the feature or only allow system admins to use it, you should remove the screen share permission from the relevant user profiles.

Template Creator file extension change

Template Creator templates have used the already existing .WGT extension up until now, but in 10.8 this changes to .WGTX. This is to clarify the difference between the two formats and provide improved handling for the newer format. No action is required on your part and existing templates remain unchanged and working as is. The next time an existing template is edited it will be automatically upgraded to .WGTX.

Template Creator compatibility enforcement

Previously Template Creator (TC) templates could run on screens that did not support the format. In some cases, this would work fine and in others not so much. Once a template is converted to .WGTX, the screen’s format support will be enforced. This means that screens that do not support TC templates will not try to play them. Instead they will be provided with a snapshot of the template automatically. This concerns SSSP 1.0-2.0 and LG webOS 1.2-2.0 in particular, but also older versions of Android Player and Windows Player.

Features, improvements and notable bug fixes


New Dashboard
Dashboard: Inbox
Dashboard: Favorite bookings
Dashboard: Player status overview
Dashboard: Product feedback
New URL booking wizard
Multiple user interface improvements
Add warning when trying to delete media used by template
Do not expand folder after drag and drop screen in tree view
Faster loading of thumbnails (new grid component)
Improve statistics export - remove double entries
Improve statistics export; use local time for range filtering
Resizable left column when scheduling
Show X-frame-options warning when booking a webpage

Fix: Adding a folder to a booking will not show Folder Path under settings until reload.
Fix: Advanced view -> Select all should only only select the search results
Fix: Choosing channels in booking gives error message
Fix: Console error for download status
Fix: Copy existing trigger casts error
Fix: Incorrect thumbnails for portrait screens
Fix: Missing null check for showadvancedbookingeffectsettings
Fix: Moving file to site root gives error 403 after
Fix: My Devices, tree view, preview button not working
Fix: Norwegian in publisher shows AM/PM
Fix: Saving layout does not turn off the popup warning: Do you want to leave without saving?
Fix: Screen detail view loads all player thumbnails full size
Fix: When you delete a user, the action bar does not switch back no user selected
Fix: Screen tree view sorting inconsistent

Template Creator

Add support for custom headers on XML/JSON data sources
Add support for unofficial Facebook pages
Add video support
Possible to quick edit data source URL for templates

Fix: Changing text size doesn´t update textbox
Fix: Replacing images in TC not working
Fix: Handle empty responses from social api


Smartsign Share - share screens to remote workers
Sync channels between sites, including content
Offline licensing now possible
Add authentication to html5player/preview
Add group permission to screen layouts
New Server Dependency Installer
Include smartsign-configure-https.ps1 in server
Move license settings to system settings (previously found in server core role)

Fix: Cleanup media cannot run, slow/timeout
Fix: Delete media in use -> will delete thumbnail even if delete fails
Fix: Feeds should respect validity when generating rss
Fix: Get screens slow in calendar view
Fix: License update fails with too many licenses
Fix: Media used by feed is deleted
Fix: Offline-emails not sent if multiple recipients
Fix: PlayerActiveHours now also accepts '.' as time separator
Fix: Remote upgrade of services broken
Fix: Server sets all services to "offline" at startup
Fix: Synced channel does not work when booked on a screen
Fix: Remove FinishMediaConversion from SignalR
Fix: Remove FinishServerTask from SignalR
Fix: Remove RequestWork from SignalR
Fix: Remove old Twitter integration -> redirect to new microservice
Fix: YouTube playback broken due to script changes by Google


Smartsign Snapshot Service is now embedded in server installation

Snapshot: Support custom headers for snapshot URLs
Snapshot: Improved login auto detection

Fix: Snapshot: Office mode fails completely if login steps timeout
Fix: Snapshot fails on password only login page
Fix: Snapshot: incorrect paths on Unix systems
Fix: Snapshot: preserve cache
Fix: SnapshotServiceBridge exception on empty password


Add max media limit for players

Fix: Geo IP check should use same protocol as player
Fix: Image refresh fails to switch to correct protocol
Fix: Media download can be flagged as media refresh incorrectly

Windows Player

Add support for Live login (automated)
Possible to open live URLs in separate browser window
Embedded browser updated to Chromium 79
Embed NodeJS

Samsung SSSP

Add support for SSSP 7.0
Add support for SH37F stretch (SSSP 3.0)

Fix: Tizen model id fallback to 2016 breaks forward compatibility


Add support for webOS Signage 4.1Improved stream format detectionDisable 4 hour power off timer automatically


Add Multi-video support
Possible to open live URLs in separate browser window
Add Philips 10BDL4151T
Add Philips 75BDL4150D


Add configurable mapping for Spectra XML

Fix: M365/Exchange: Import fails if description is too long

Release Notes 10.7.0

Important and breaking changes

Smartsign 10.7 contains several breaking changes from previous version. Please read carefully to determine if they affect your installation and if action needs to be taken before or after upgrading from a previous version.

New License portal

This change should be transparent for existing servers, but it’s important to check that you have valid credentials configured for the server’s connection to the license portal. The server will still be able to receive licenses, but if the credentials are incorrect or missing you will not be able to create new sites. (

Player Offline Email

The configuration method for player offline notifications have changed. If you had notifications configured before the upgrade, you must reconfigure it afterwards in order to continue receiving emails. Please refer to the admin guide for instructions.

Statistics / Proof of play

Many improvements have been done to statistics in 10.7. Making it easier to configure is one of them. Any existing players already using statistics will have the new configuration method applied automatically however you may need to adjust player profiles to make sure future players receive the correct settings. Statistics are no longer a loadable module, it’s built-in and enabled by a setting.

SMSUP Licensing enforcement

Version 10 has not yet enforced the SMSUP licensing terms like previous versions, however 10.7 will do so. If you do not have valid SMSUP or if they are not assigned, parts of the UI that require valid SMSUP will be locked down. Functions that require valid SMSUP are data sources, such as Smartsign Sync, Active Directory integration, remote upgrade of players, Wayfinder (previously Conference Guide), Smartsign API and Template Creator.
As always, to have the right to upgrade, you are required to have valid SMSUP agreement for each screen license. Smartsign’s cloud service always includes SMSUP.

Features, improvements and notable bug fixes

License portal

Brand new licensing portal with enhanced looks and much better license management


New improved status for screen and player
More detailed download status for screens
Show if media is invalid in playlist and media library
Show Server version to users in Publisher
Automatic license update when registering screens
Improved register screen wizard
Recurring frequency "Yearly" removed
Add new reports function
Improved data validation for booking frequencies (frontend)
Move "Direct media list" to booking list for media detail
Removed top bar from login page
Changed "Loading Smartsign" to "Loading"
Fix: SMSUP licensing not enforced
Fix: Create new screen layout theme visible without permission
Fix: Publisher performs logout regardless of yes or no answer
Fix: Copy of synced profile should be disconnected from sync
Fix: Delete button shows on folder without folder delete permission
Fix: Grid/list loses selection on update
Fix: Preview time incorrect during screen preview
Fix: Preview with older time shows incorrect present time (player time is correct)
Fix: Preview playlist missing items in actual playlist
Fix: Editing a full screen template => will no longer be full screen
Fix: Not possible to login with http after logout with https
Fix: Media library – possible to delete media from folder with read access only
Fix: Only one monthly frequency should be allowed at a time
Fix: Monthly frequency not parsed correctly when opening booking, every always 0
Fix: Day in month not parsed correctly when opening booking, month always blank
Fix: Copy user/player profile should open the copy after, not the source
Fix: Bookings are corrupt after changing screen layout to one using a different layer, it should be possible to open and rebook them to the new layer


Layer scaling terms renamed:
   Crop (Cover) => Fill
   Fill => Stretch


Add webhook API for triggers
Triggers can now play once and then reset
Added setting to toggle on keypress for trigger

Template Creator

Add support for Interbook Go booking system (Cloud Microservice) (Beta)
Add support for TrafikLab (Swedish Traffic Information) (Cloud Microservice) (Beta)
Add support for Instagram (Cloud Microservice) (Beta)
Add description to template data sources
Added "Last update time" as databinding for data sources
Add setting to strip html and just show raw text from RSS
Add Latvian, Estonian and Lithuanian languages to datetime locale
Add OTF support for custom fonts
Fix: Jsonpath value should print empty string if not found, not “false”
Fix: xPath - now possible to resolve XML namespaces
Fix: xml-image support missing
Fix: json-image and xml-image only works together with text-field
Fix: Twitter Tweet Date
Fix: Twitter Embedded URL QR Code
Fix: Multiselect Safari on mac
Fix: % not working in TC
Fix: Should try to fix corrupt RSS to avoid issues
Fix: RSS should not get stuck with corrupt RSS
Fix: Thumbnails sometimes taken too quickly so they show loading icon
Fix: Facebook message date not working
Fix: "Likes" databinding incorrect
Fix: Deselect databinding => still locked for edit text
Fix: Possible to databind image to rectangle, but no function


Major update to statistics/proof of play, no longer a plugin module
Log events to database now default true for new servers
Events added for site license update and screen disable due to no license
Add password complexity enforcement
Improved data validation for booking frequencies (backend)
Fix: Multi upload deadlock issues
Fix: Installers don't remember the previously used path
Fix: SiteAdmin cannot delete users
Fix: Statistics export fails with error
Fix: Statistics missing for converted versions of media
Fix: Image larger than layer and screen is resized to wrong proportions when using fill
Fix: Changed username to allow 128 chars
Fix: Media library permission checks are incorrect
Fix: Server cannot register properly to license portal
Fix: Issue with UTF-8 character encoding on Web player


Fix: ADLogin fails with exception if any ad group is missing from AD
Fix: ADLogin Add more safety checks + lock and recreate user in new site now works
Fix: Import AD-groups visible with no AD configured


Fix: Sync does not remove media deleted on disk if used in bookings
Fix: Create desktop.ini fails with exception


Player offline email alerts reworked


WeatherAPI (cloud): Apixu replaced with WeatherStack
Snapshot: Fix: Not able to login on page without IDs and no form
Snapshot: Fix: Cannot login using Azure Ad SSO


Add generic arrow key navigation (tested on PC and Android)
URL snapshot update now replaces image in player offline cache (except for Android)
Add player capabilities framework
Statistics integrated, no longer a module
Fix: support statistics for looping media
Fix: Location is not saved to player if GeoData update is disabled

Windows Player

Brand new Smartsign Windows Player (10.7)
   Full 64 bit
   Chromium Embedded, version 69
   Fully integrated video handling + VLC as option

Samsung SSSP

Add support for local widgets
Fix: Tizen - wrong position of video which does not fit the width of the video layer
Fix: Tizen - Add missing hideOSD and syncPlaylist to player profile


Fix: Android does not unpack widgets after activating offline widgets
Fix: Android YouTube autoplay and loop changes added


Add support for local widgets
Add network connection metadata